James Gordon
Fulfilling trauma's hidden promise
Fulfilling trauma's hidden promise
Psychiatrist, author, former advisor to the White House, and professor at Georgetown Medical School, James Gordon is a world-renowned expert in using mind-body medicine to heal depression, anxiety, and psychological trauma. A proponent of “self-care as the true primary-care,” Jim founded The Center for Mind-Body Medicine in 1991. Through CMBM, Jim has created training programs of comprehensive mind-body healing for physicians, medical students, and other health professionals; for patients with cancer, depression, and other chronic illnesses; for US veterans back from war; for traumatized children and families in Bosnia, Kosovo, Israel, Gaza, Haiti and with Syrian refugees. Jim’s latest book is Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression. Last year, 60 Minutes featured his work with war-traumatized children in Israel and Gaza.
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