Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin

In A Nutshell

 As vaping increases in popularity, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin is studying how a product originally meant to curb addiction poses the potential for serious, harmful consequences for today's youth. 

About Suchitra

Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin is focused on developing a bio-behavioral understanding of substance use behaviors in adult and adolescent substance users. In the area of adolescent tobacco use, she has conducted qualitative research including focus groups and surveys to understand patterns and perceptions of use of tobacco products, clinical trials to develop and test the use of novel behavioral and pharmacological cessation and prevention interventions, and experimental evaluations of behavioral and neural predictors of use and cessation behaviors. Because of her expertise in youth tobacco use behaviors, she has contributed to the Surgeon General’s report on Preventing Tobacco Use among Young People and also serves as a member of the FDA’s Tobacco Product Scientific Advisory Committee. Suchitra is a professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine and the Co-PI on the Yale Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science.

Learn More

Studying the interactive effects of menthol and nicotine among youth: An examination using e-cigarettes.” Drug Alcohol Depend. 2017. 

E-Cigarettes and "Dripping" Among High-School Youth.” Pediatrics. 2017.

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonism has differential effects on alcohol craving and drinking in heavy drinkers.” Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2015

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Biobehavioral Scientist